Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crazy Neighbers

I live in an appartment with 4 other families... well 3 at the moment. There is also an apartment house behind ours with 3 more families in it. I live on the top floor. (just a little background)

The people who live on the bottom floor, lets call them the Johnsons for now on, have 2 kids one is 7 and the other is 2 months. They fight like there is NO tomorrow. I wake up at 8:00 today to get ready for work and they are out side at his car SCREAMING about how he is a dead beat dad and all this shit. This goes on for about an hour. and this happens 2 or 3 times a week!!

The people who live in the apartment behind us on the first floor are a couple, lets call them mary and David, Well first we think they are dealers of some kind. They were yelling a few nights ago and the cops came. There was two cop cars and two cops on bikes. about a hafe hour later they left and then other 20 mins they are out side yelling again..... this happens about 2 times a month.

And to top it off.... They all yell at each other.... about everything. Parking, yelling, music, lights, parties.... EVERYTHING!!!! why cant these people get a life.??

Well maybe nothing will happen tonight.....

But I bet I will be back on here telling you about a crazy neighbers story soon.

1 comment:

  1. I like how people air out all of their problems in public. Do you think they know how trashy they are?
