Saturday, August 1, 2009


So I was working yesterday and it was very busy up here we get bus loads of Canadians come into the mall and mess everything up.

Well as a lot of people know different banks have different exchanges for Canadian money, and the bank we use just so happens to be 1.25. BOA(Bank of America) I hear does have a little higher rate then a lot of other banks but I just work at the mall I don't get to decide what to charge people.

Anyways we had this Canadian women in and didn't have enough American money and wanted to pay in Canadian, we said ok and said it was going to be like 17 or something like that. She got really really mad and started saying that the exchange is only 1.10. first of all it hasn't been 1.10 in a long time and its not like I'm going to be like well okie then you can give us 14 instead.... Well we told her its the bank and we have no control over it but she wouldn't stop she then asked if we could lower the price of the shoes so she could pay for them in American. When I said sorry I cant do that she got even madder and said that we had bad customer service...... WHAT!!!!!!! because you don't have the money its my fault!!!!! They are already getting things cheaper down here and now they want things for free too... really....

I know a lot of you will say that they do have to pay the tax when they go back through.... BUT THEY DON'T!!!! because they ask us to keep the boxes and they don't want the recites so that they can just put it in their suitcases and say they had it before they came down.... so they have nothing to bitch about.

After she pretty much yelled at me she bought the shoes and walked out. ..... I cant believe people who think they can yell and get their way..... believe me I will not loose my job over not lowering a price for you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

SS Saturdays

It's been very crazy a work lately. crazy Canadians, crazy vacationers, crazy locals..... And the one thing that bothers me the most is people who ask you a question then don't believe you when you answer.

Today I was at work and this really really tall women was looking for a brown shoe in a size 10. So she reaches up in top stock (which is not allowed) and gets the box that looks the same as the one she is looking for. (why do people think if its the same box it must be the same shoe, ITS NOT!!! do you know how many different boxes there would be.... ) anyways sorry for that.

I tell the women to plz not get into the top stock that I can get it for her if she needs anything. and I ask want I can do for her. She then tells me what she is looking for. I tell her we don't have anymore in that size after looking in top stock and the racks and she says that i must be kidding and asks to look again. I look again and I say no we don't but I could look at my other location. she says okie. I go and look and they dont have it. She then goes over to size 9 and says well here it is. I tell her its the wrong size and she doesn't believe me until her husband looks at it and says ya it is a 9. then she doesn't believe me when I tell her what the name of the shoe is she has to look at the box and says oh ya your right....

REALLY people why don't you believe the people who work there.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Totally awkward tuesday

And its Tuesday again.... so here is my awkwardness and don't for get to read Tova's

A few days after me and Justin started dating I went over his house. This wasn't the first time but it had only been a couple before this. Well in his house there is two doors right next to each other, one is a pantry and the other leads to the basement where his bedroom was.

So I come into the house and his WHOLE family is in the living room. (brother, mom, aunts, cuz, uncle, grandparents. They all live really close) and of course Justin's mom has to introduce me to everyone and I say hi and then she tells me in is down stairs. so I open the first door and walk right into the pantry and hit my head as his aunt is walking into the kitchen. She comes right over and asks if I'm okie really loud so everyone is like whats wrong is she okie and she yells to them that I walked into the door and hit my head. they all get up and see if I'm okie. I turn bright red and say I'm okie but they have his brother help me down the stairs to Justin's room just in case and they give me an ice pack for my head...... awwww great first impression....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My First Totally Awkward Tuesday

So my sister started doing Totally Awkward Tuesday like 2 months ago and every Tuesday I get excited to do my first one and then I can never think of an awkward moment. BUT!!! Today I thought of one and I'm really excited to tell you all.

I was in 8th grade and of course like every 13 year old girl I had a crush on a boy. His name was Noah. Noah was in everyone of my classes so I got to see him all day long. He was also really really nice, he was very popular (and I wasn't) but he would still talk to everyone and didn't make fun of anyone.

Well also like a lot of teenage girls I wrote his name on my binder..... a few hundred time.... I didn't think he would ever see it because he was on the other side of the room and it was in the insides of the binder.

One day though my friends were teasing me about it when we had to do a group project and I was in his group with one of his friends and one of mine. I had to open my binder at some point to get to my papers so I kept hiding his name or moving the binder upward so he couldn't see it.

Well this group project went on for 4 days! At the end of the 4th day I thought I was free and didn't have to worry.

Well I was wrong. on Friday I was turned around before class and was talking to my friend when Noah comes over and goes Hey I'm just going to get the paper for the teacher real quick and flips open my binder to see his name and lots of hearts.

Well he looks at me, smiles, gets the paper and walks away. I couldn't look at him for the rest of the year. I also NEVER wrote a boys name in my binder again.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

crazyness at work

I have been having the WORST few weeks at work.

5 weeks ago we hired this new girl at work lets call her Beth. Well Beth didn't pick up on things as fast as we were hoping she would because we lost 2 people in the last 2 weeks... so we needed people bad. but it was okie we were trying to work with her the best we could.

but then we started to get a lot of problems with her. because I was now the person right below the store manager I was the one that was mostly training her. but she started to straight out lie to me when I asked if it was her that was doing something so I could just correct her so she knew next time. (there was also another girl being trained at the sometime.)

She talks a lot too. okie I dint mind that she talks BUT when its about the same 2 things every time it gets a little annoying. Its always about 1. Her 9 month old son having a heart problem and having to do a lot of stuff to help and all the stuff they had to do to help him. or 2. about how her black boyfriend (she is white) and her have to put up with all these people that treat him and her like shit because they are different color.

I didn't care what color people are and everyone that I work with also doesn't care. and so we dint really care what her imaginary problems are with the rest of the world.

one BIG problem with this is that. at work its a guest service kind of place, we try and help everyone out in there trip to our store. because its so important to the store we have to fill out these report card looking things for the other person we are working with. (green=great, yellow=ok, red=bad) So one day on this report card the other new girl molly was filling the card out for Beth. She gave her yellows and reds on most of the items, because that's what she was doing ok to bad. Well Beth goes up to her and says "you are a slave driver because my boyfriend is back." well molly gets this disgusted look on her face like WTF and says "so is mine....."

First of all that is not something you say to someone. And what is her problem....

so weeks go by and she is still lying and getting upset when we tell her she is doing something wrong and we show her the right way. (not in a mean way) one day after she was shown how to empty the shipment boxes and where to put all the shoes. I went up to her and said "Just one thing about the shipment" in a nice tone not yelling or anything. and she gets all upset and says "I'm really sick of someone telling how to do something and someone else yelling at me that its wrong all the time."
First of all I was kinda shocked and I looked at her and said " I'm not yelling at you and its only because she didn't tell you..." it really wasn't anything big it was just something small that makes it easier when putting things away.

Because of this and some much more that has been going on we (meaning me and the other 3 people who work there) all talk to the store manager. She understood and said she would have a talk with her.

After the talk things were okie. well okie for about 2-3 days...

Til last Thursday. on Wednesday I had caught her with her cell phone on the sales floor. (which is a big no no) and I told her that she cant have that on the floor and to plz put it away. so she did. well on Thursday I caught her with it again and said "plz put the phone away you know you cant have it on the floor." well I was leaving so I wasn't sure if she did or not but on the way out I told the other girl that I work with Pat(she has been working there for 6 years now) that I have caught her twice with it in the past 2 days so just keep an eye out for her.

Well I get a call later that night after the store is closed saying that we need to talk. So I go to her house to talk and hang out.

a little back ground before I tell you this one.... we now have another new hire and the new hire Amy and Pat were working with Beth the rest of the night. Pat was going to be training Amy the rest of the night and Beth was to deal and take care of the customers.

and the story goes...
it's about 8pm and the three of them are at the front of the store talking when Beth's cell phone rings (not vibrate but rings loud) and Pat just looks at her. Beth then proceeds to take the phone out of her BRA!!! and starts texting the person back. Well Pat goes "Beth you know you are not allowed to have that on the floor." then Beth starts to talk very loud (with customers in the store) "Well I see people with there phone of the floor ALL the time. Liz does it (Honestly I have had it on the floor ONCE in the past 6 weeks she has been there and it wasn't on me it was in the desk up front turned to silent) Lins does it, and I have seen Molly with hers too."

Pat - "first of all Lins doesn't work here anymore, Liz did maybe once in the desk up front, I have mine in the desk up front with my purse."

(she didn't say anything about molly's but Molly had hers shut off a week before she even started so she doesn't even have one to be seen on)

Beth-" well I have a son at home and a sick sister and I need my phone so they can call me if anything happens."

Pat-" give them the number to the store"

Beth-"I would have to give it to so many people"(then lists off a ton of people)

Pat-"have a phone tree"

Beth-"WTF is a phone tree"

Pat then goes on to explain the phone tree but Beth just doesn't care and walks off. Pat asked her two more times to take the phone off the floor but she doesn't and said that she is going to talk to the manager to she if she would allow it on the floor.

So this is what we have had to deal with, and a lot more but I could go on for days ask my sister and husband. (I'm sorry by the way to them they must be so sick of it :( ) Thank god my manager is going to talk to her this week and do something about it. because haven't been able to eat or sleep well in the past 3 weeks because I'm so stressed out about her.

I really hope that something gets done and done soon or I'm going to have to go see a therapist.....

well thanks for letting me spill hope I didn't bore you to death.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crazy Neighbers

I live in an appartment with 4 other families... well 3 at the moment. There is also an apartment house behind ours with 3 more families in it. I live on the top floor. (just a little background)

The people who live on the bottom floor, lets call them the Johnsons for now on, have 2 kids one is 7 and the other is 2 months. They fight like there is NO tomorrow. I wake up at 8:00 today to get ready for work and they are out side at his car SCREAMING about how he is a dead beat dad and all this shit. This goes on for about an hour. and this happens 2 or 3 times a week!!

The people who live in the apartment behind us on the first floor are a couple, lets call them mary and David, Well first we think they are dealers of some kind. They were yelling a few nights ago and the cops came. There was two cop cars and two cops on bikes. about a hafe hour later they left and then other 20 mins they are out side yelling again..... this happens about 2 times a month.

And to top it off.... They all yell at each other.... about everything. Parking, yelling, music, lights, parties.... EVERYTHING!!!! why cant these people get a life.??

Well maybe nothing will happen tonight.....

But I bet I will be back on here telling you about a crazy neighbers story soon.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Strange Shoppers Saturday

so I see a lot of people who have special days that they blog about special things like, Totally Awkward Tuesday, Wacky Wednesdays. so I'm coming up with my own and this going to be

Strange Shoppers Saturday

Okie so it's not very creative but its all I got right now. If you can think of anything better plz feel free to help :)

A little background and stuff about me.

I work at payless shoe store, And I get very very odd people coming in and out of this store its crazy. There is so many stories that has happened in the last 8 months I could write a book. but I wont put you through that you can just read what is happening in the now.

Okie so for my first post.....

okie so for fathers day payless was giving an additional 10% off any mens shoes/socks (well the whole transaction). So we had these mens dress socks that were $2, and we are doing BOGO. So if you do all the math and stuff a women could get the dress sock for free and still have a few dollars on her purchase depending on the amount her shoes were. I dont know If you understand this so let me is if I can write it out.

Red=women's shoes Blue=mens socks Green=discount


So instead of paying the 20.99 for one pair of shoes she got a pair of shoes and a pair of socks for 19.80. Get it?

Well anyways this women DIDN'T want it. she had no interest in saving the money or getting the "free" socks. I was trying to explain and she wouldn't let me. I just didn't get it. Who doesn't want to save money and get free stuff.... really!! anyways so after she left the person behind her was like "man I will take those socks if I can" and she got the shoes and saved $4 more dollars!! pretty cool.

Okie so that was my crazy women of the week. I know its not to bad but I bet I will get another next.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Movies causing stress.

I hate that when I'm super stressed from work, money, life, anything I cant watch some movies. Like today I wanted to watch "21" but I had to stop it half way because it was giving me a stomach ache and a headache.

I'm trying not to worry and stress out so much but its so hard. I'm trying to exercise more, read more, relax more, and other stress free things. But they almost make me more stressed. If I don't work out enough or if I don't understand what I'm reading or if I relax to much and nothing in the house gets done, I get more stressed and more upset.

But back to the movies... There are so many movies that I cant watch much anymore or cant watch the end of them.
  • Titanic
  • 21
  • Across the universe
  • P.S. I love you
  • Moulin Rouge
And SOOO many more. really anything with some one getting hurt or dying. My emotions get so caught up in it all and I just cant handle it anymore. I want to turn it off and do something else that doesn't make me think of it at all. Even if I have seen the movie before, Well that actually makes it worse because I already know what going to happen in the next scene. I wish I could do something about it but nothing ever works.

I just started reading Harry Potter and I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to read it all. I had a really hard time with some of Twilight saga but I don't think Harry Potter is like Twilight so wish me luck.